Asgard Infinity eWRAP
Important note
Asgard Infinity eWRAP Super/Pension and Asgard Infinity eWRAP - Investment are no longer available to new clients since 5 December 2021. Existing clients are not impacted by the closure and will continue to have access to the current features and functionality of the products.
Cash & Term Deposits on Infinity eWRAP
Cash Investments on Infinity eWRAP
Cash - when applying for Infinity eWRAP, you automatically receive a Cash Account which forms the core of your account.
Term Deposits - through Infinity, you can invest into term deposits. Your interest rate will be fixed upfront, so your money is secure for the length of the term.
View the latest term deposit interest rates here.
Where do I go for more information?
To find out more about investing in term deposits through Infinity, including how and when interest is paid and what happens at maturity, you should speak with your financial adviser.
Keeping you informed
Consolidated reports
Infinity eWRAP consolidates all the transactions from different managed investments and listed entities into one easy-to-read report.
You also receive a detailed Annual Investor Report each financial year, giving you a comprehensive but simple snapshot of your assets.
24 hour online access
You can also view your personal Account details 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, by logging onto Investor Online at
Speak to a real person
If you're having trouble finding the information you need online, we're here to assist you with any questions you might have. So, if you prefer speaking with real people, call us on 1800 731 812.
Disclosure documents
Target Market Determinations for these products are available at
Asgard Infinity eWRAP Investment
Asgard Infinity eWRAP Investment Financial Services Guide and Investor Directed Portfolio Services Guide
eWRAP Investment - Additional Information Booklet
Asgard Infinity eWRAP Super/Pension
Asgard Infinity eWRAP Super/Pension Product Disclosure Statement
eWRAP Infinity Super/Pension - Additional Information Booklet
Related disclosure:
eCASH/CASH Connect (Cash Account) PDS - Part 1
eCASH/CASH Connect (Cash Account) PDS - Part 2Fees
Fair and transparent fees
Infinity eWRAP can be customised from the full range of optional features to your unique needs. You work with your adviser to choose what's right for you, and you only pay for the features you use. So Infinity eWRAP is one of the most cost-effective platforms available on the market.
Infinity eWRAP also gives you access to a range of wholesale managed investments which may have lower investment fees than retail funds (these are generally not directly available to retail investors).
With Infinity eWRAP, fees are easy to understand and totally transparent. You can negotiate the fees you pay your financial adviser in relation to your account and these fees are clearly displayed on your account summary.
Investment options
Quality investment options
With Infinity eWRAP, you and your financial adviser can choose the managed investment menu that is right for you. You can choose between the Core, Select or Full menu which provides access to an extensive range of quality managed investments and share options.
Through your financial adviser you have the flexibility to change and mix your investments to respond to the market or to ensure your risk profile meets your changing lifestyle.
Existing investments
If you hold managed investments with other providers you may be able to transfer these into your Infinity eWRAP Investment Account.
Selling investments
If you want to sell some of your managed investments held through Infinity eWRAP, your financial adviser can nominate specific groups of these to help you manage your Capital Gains Tax position.
Transfers from other providers
You may be able to transfer managed investments that you currently hold with another provider into your Infinity eWRAP Investment Account without a change in beneficial ownership, provided they are on the Infinity Available Products List.
You can also transfer shares that you already own into your Infinity Investment Account and still retain legal and beneficial ownership.
In nearly all cases, no Capital Gains Tax is payable on the transfer of the managed investments into your account and no transfer fees apply.
Once these existing assets have been transferred to your Account, Asgard will report on them, along with any other investments you may choose in your Infinity portfolio.
You should speak with your financial adviser about how the transfer process works, and how it could help you.
Managing your CGT
Managing your Capital Gains Tax
When you want to sell some of the managed investments in your Infinity Investment Account, through your financial adviser, you can nominate specific tax parcels of managed investments to be sold. Furthermore, if you have shares in your Infinity eWRAP Investment Account, with the help of your financial adviser you can choose the order in which shares should be sold.
This allows you to better manage and control the amount of capital gain or loss you incur when selling managed investments and shares.
Infinity is a smart solution for your investment needs, now and in the future. As your needs change you can seamlessly transition from Infinity to eWRAP or vice versa with no cost, no capital gains tax and no time out of market.
Infinity margin lending
Margin Lending with Infinity
The eWRAP Margin Lending facility provides you with the opportunity to borrow money to invest through your eWRAP Investment Account.
St.George Bank - A Division of Westpac Banking Corporation ABN 33 007 457 141 (St.George) is the issuer of eWRAP Margin Lending. St.George offers a competitive Acceptable Securities List (ASL), featuring a wide range of shares and managed investments with a range of loan-to-value ratios.
By borrowing money to invest in shares and managed investments through your eWRAP Investment Account, you can increase the size of your portfolio and have the opportunity to potentially increase your returns. By providing a larger pool of money to invest in a wider range of shares or managed investments, eWRAP Margin Lending can also improve the diversification of your portfolio, and this diversification may help you to manage overall investment risk.
While margin lending can increase your potential for greater returns, it can also increase the potential for greater losses if investments perform poorly. If the value of your portfolio falls, your losses will be greater than if you had an un-geared investment. Due to this risk, margin lending may not be a suitable investment strategy for every investor.
You can apply for an eWRAP Margin Lending facility when you open your Infinity Investment Account or at a later date.
View the latest interest rates that apply to eWRAP Margin Lending.
This information has been prepared without taking account of your objectives, financial situation or needs. Because of this you should, before acting on this information, consider its appropriateness, having regard to your objectives, financial situation and needs. When considering margin lending, we strongly recommend you consult your financial adviser.
Regular investments
Infinity eWRAP has a Regular Buy facility for managed investments.
Simply choose how much you want to invest into one or more managed investment on a regular basis - either monthly or quarterly.
Your financial adviser can set this up for you. Asgard will deduct money from your Cash Account and buy the managed investments you have nominated.
Start your Regular Buy for as little as $100 per month.
Regular deposit plan
You can use a Regular Deposit Plan to save for your retirement in a more disciplined way.
You can start your plan with as little as $100 per month.
Remember, the sooner you start, the easier it will be to reach your retirement goals.
To help protect your lifestyle and investments in the event of a personal crisis, Asgard offers a range of insurance options available through Super.
These include:
- Salary Continuance
- Life Protection
- Total & Permanent Disablement (TPD)
Insurance options are available through:
- AIA Australia - Priority Protection for Platform Investors
Premiums for insurance can be paid directly from your Cash Account.