The Administrator (Asgard) is a member of the Westpac Banking Corporation group (Westpac Group) which includes entities that provide various financial, funds management, insurance, superannuation, investment and administrative services from time to time.
Unless otherwise disclosed in the offer document for the relevant financial product, a financial product or service issued or offered by Asgard is not a deposit with, investment in or other liability of Westpac, nor any other company within the Westpac Group. They are subject to investment risk, including possible delays in repayment and loss of income and principal invested. Neither Westpac nor any other company within the Westpac Group stands behind or otherwise guarantees the capital value or investment performance of any financial product or service issued or offered by Asgard.
While the information displayed on this website is based on information obtained from sources which are believed to be reliable, it has not been independently verified and no warranties are given that it is complete, accurate, up to date or fit for the purpose for which it is required. It should be noted that past performance is not necessarily indicative, nor a guarantee, of future performance. All information displayed on the website, including but not limited to product and service information, fees, unit and share prices, gearing and interest rates, tax information and performance figures, is subject to change without notice.
To the maximum extent permitted by law, neither Westpac nor any other company within the Westpac Group will be liable to any party in contract, tort (including for negligence) or otherwise for any loss or damage arising either directly or indirectly as a result of reliance on, use of or inability to use any information displayed on this website. Where liability cannot be excluded by law then, to the extent permissible by law, liability is limited to the resupply of the information or the reasonable cost of having the information resupplied.Copyright
© The copyright in all information displayed on this website is owned by or licensed to a Westpac Group company. Except as expressly permitted, no information may be copied, reproduced, downloaded, transmitted or re-distributed.
Asgard is the issuer of the Asgard accounts and services referred to on this website. In deciding whether to open, or to continue to hold, an Asgard account or service, you should consider the relevant Product Disclosure Statement or Financial Services Guide issued by Asgard. Copies can be obtained from Asgard or a financial adviser.
Westpac is the issuer of eCASH, CASH Connect, Fixed Term Deposits and the Money Market Investment Account. In deciding whether to invest in, or to continue to hold, one or more of these deposit products, you should consider the relevant Product Disclosure Statement (or other offer document) issued by Westpac. Copies can be obtained from Asgard or a financial adviser.
The investment information and general advice ("advice") displayed or given on this website does not take into account any person's personal objectives, financial situation or needs and, because of that, you should, before acting on the advice, consider whether the advice is appropriate for you, having regard to these factors You should also consider obtaining independent legal, financial and/or other professional advice before making a decision in relation to any investment.
Information about the relationships between Asgard and other Westpac Group companies and the remuneration (including commission) or other benefits that they and any other person can receive in respect of, or that is attributable to, the financial services they provide is set out in the general Financial Services Guide issued by Asgard.
Third Party Information and Links
Some of the information displayed on this website may be provided by third parties who are not related to any company within the Westpac Group ("Third Party Information"). Neither Westpac nor any company within the Westpac Group is in any way responsible for and does not guarantee the quality or accuracy of any Third Party Information.
This website may also contain links to websites operated by third parties (“Third Parties”) who are not related to the Westpac Group (“Third Party Web Sites”). These links are provided for convenience only and do not represent any endorsement or approval by the Westpac Group of those Third Parties or the information, products or services displayed or offered on the Third Party Web Sites.
To the maximum extent permitted by law, neither Westpac nor any other company within the Westpac Group will be liable to any party in contract, tort (including for negligence) or otherwise for any loss or damage arising either directly or indirectly from reliance on, the use of or inability to use any Third Party Information or Third Party Web Sites.What is the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA)?
The BT Financial Group (BTFG) is committed to ensuring we comply with our legislative obligations. As an Australian financial institution, we are required to comply with the reporting obligations under Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) and Common Reporting Standard (CRS) legislation. The aim of FATCA and CRS is to prevent tax evasion through the exchange of financial account information to the relevant tax authorities.
What is the legislation?
CRS is an Organisation of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) initiative to address income tax evasion. Participating countries have implemented the international CRS standard into their local legislation requiring local financial institutions to obtain and report foreign tax residency information of account holders, and their associated parties, to their local tax authority. Tax authorities of participating countries will exchange reported information with the local tax authority of the relevant jurisdiction on an annual basis.
FATCA is United States (US) legislation which requires all financial institutions to identify and report customers who may be US residents for taxation purposes, to their local tax authority.
What are our obligations?
To comply with CRS and FATCA, financial institutions are required to collect, maintain and check information about the foreign tax residency of their customers, including their country(ies) of foreign tax residency and their Tax Identification Number (TINs). Where applicable, financial institutions must report certain information to relevant tax authorities. The Westpac Group complies with CRS and FATCA in all participating jurisdictions, according to the local legislation in each jurisdiction.
What does this mean for new customers?
All new customers will be asked if they are a tax resident of a foreign country. Tax residency is the country where an individual or entity (partnership, trusts, etc.) typically submits an income tax return, or may be liable to pay tax. This applies to individuals, entities, and any of their associated parties such as beneficial owners and/or controlling persons of organisations.
What does this mean for existing customers?
If you have an existing account or product with us, we may contact you if we have information to suggest that you may be a foreign tax resident. We may also contact you if you open a new account or product, and have not previously advised us of your foreign tax residency status.
It is important that you respond to any requests and confirm your tax residency status to ensure that your customer information is accurate, and that we don't inadvertently report incorrect information to the Australian Tax Office.
What if my tax jurisdiction(s) does not issue TINs or equivalents?
If the jurisdiction of which you are a tax resident of does not issue a TIN or equivalent, you must provide evidence from an appropriate authority of this in English.
Where can I go for further information?
If you have any questions about CRS or FATCA, please call our Foreign Tax Operations team.
Phone: 1300 725 863 (9am to 5pm AEST Monday-Friday).
Customers outside Australia please call +61 2 9155 7580.
Open Banking - Consumer Data Right
Open Banking gives you the ability to share your banking information with other parties you trust, including other banks, online. To use Open Banking and share your data for in-scope Asgard accounts, you will need to be registered for St George Internet Banking as well as satisfy other eligibility criteria. If you ask us to share your data via Open Banking, this will not affect any existing data sharing permissions on your Account in Investor Online. Visit http://asgard.com.au/about-us/open-banking.html for further information about Open Banking.